On October 18th, 2021 Whole Foods announced the Top 10 Food Trends for 2022, and look at that; Ultraurban Farming topped the list at #1. Whole Foods was the first grocery store to develop an urban farm onsite in 2013. “Since then, innovation in indoor farming has ballooned, from hydroponics and aquaponics to mushrooms grown above our grocery aisles — and even fresh produce grown by robots. Producers are finding new, boundary-pushing ways to grow hyper-local crops and maximize efficiency.”
Each year, a Trends Council of more than 50 Whole Foods Market team members, including local foragers, regional and global buyers, and culinary experts compile trend predictions based on decades of experience and expertise in product sourcing and studying consumer preferences, as well as in-depth workshopping with emerging and existing brands.
The relevance of urban farming has quickly shifted from a consumer preference; quality, and flavor-driven offering to a much-needed solution-based approach to the problems we’re experiencing with a global food supply chain under exceptional distress.
Localized food production and distribution combined with consumer demand for a variety of products that deliver quality, flavorful, nutrient-dense, and shelf-stable leafy greens, fruits and vegetables are driving growth in the industry and expansion for Imagine Farms.
Happiness Blend, Citrus Pop (both in individual and family size containers), Watercress, and Romaine are now on the shelves at Milam’s in Pinecrest, Coconut Grove and Coral Gables. Ultraurban! convenient and ready-to-eat all within 15 miles of our Indoor Vertical Hydroponic Farm in Little Haiti, Miami.